25 August

Housequake, 30th August & 21st September

Beachclub BLM9 at the Bloemendaal Beach has grown into one of those magical party locations. The main driving force behind this are the already legendary Housequake events that take place at this fan favourite Beachclub. Roog, Erick E and MC Gee will make turn the heat up a notch on both the 30th of August as well as the 21st of September to commemorate the this years’ summer which is slowly crawling towards the end. The first beat will pound out of the speaker around 16:00 on both days and won’t end until the last drum roll has left the sound system at approximately 00:00. Hopefully the weather gods will send the best weather they can, but sun or no sun, these are two events that are a must for anyone who likes their electronic music. Visit the Housequake homepage for more information.

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