6 June

Aftermovie Housequake Festival

For those who wish to once again enjoy the incredible Housequake Festival, which took place on 12 May, or for those who were not there and want to see what they have missed: The aftermovie of Housequake Festival 2012 is now online!

The absolute top sound system for outdoor events – for those in the know: JBL VTX – was used for the first time in the Netherlands at the Housequake Festival. Also brand new was the live stream, allowing everyone from all over the world to tune into the festival in real time. The last hour saw the Housequake boys take things even further; the music that was played live was also in sync with the graphic light show, meaning that the show flowed simultaneously with the music. This had also never been done before in the Netherlands.
Check the Housequake Festival aftermovie via this link
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